It's that time of year again! Time to set some lofty goals for the new year. And actually stick to them this time.

Maybe you want to get in shape, start new healthy habits, or just have more fun this year.

Here are the best ways to incorporate CBD into the new year — taking your resolutions to the next level.

Banish Stress This Year

Who doesn't want to reduce stress levels? It's one of the leading causes of many health complications. Maybe it's time to add stress management to your goals for the upcoming year.

And if you're looking for natural, low-maintenance options for keeping stress at bay, you don't have to look any further than CBD.

CBD is known for its stress-reducing effects, and research has shown that it may be powerful enough to treat anxiety disorders.

Focusing on boosting your mental wellness is a great way to set yourself up for success this year. Get in a morning dose of hemp oil to start your day off right…or use it at night before you go to bed for an added calming effect.

Jumpstart Your Fitness With CBD

Are you looking for a way to maximize your workouts? CBD may just help you do that.

How, you say?

We all know the pain and regret of going ham and doing one rep too many. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD might aid in muscle recovery.

Even a light workout causes tiny tears in the muscles. If you're a fitness buff, you know that's how you build muscle AND how important it is to recover from that damage so you can keep making gains.

Might we suggest massaging in a CBD cream to those sore areas? CBD might be able to help you recover faster, so that your next workout is just as good — if not better.

Alternatively, you can try incorporating CBD into your post-workout routine. Refueling with a CBD-infused snack can be a delicious and effective option!

Prioritize Self-Care This Year

This is gonna be your year — the universe can feel it. Make this the one when you finally make some time for yourself!

It can be easy to get caught up in taking care of the people around you and the dozens of to-dos on your list. But it's time to take a step back and think about what YOU need.

CBD can help with a lot of things — from chronic pain relief to better sleep. So why not add it to your self-care routine?

Self care can look different for everyone, but if you're looking for a new self-care plan, try this. Elevate your work-to-home transition with a CBD gummy treat. Letting go of the stress of the workday is one of the best things you can do for your mental health.

Grab your favorite book, put on some relaxing tunes, and treat yourself to a fruity CBD gummy after a long day. You deserve it! And check out our other blog posts for ideas on DIY CBD-infused personal care products, recipes, and more. We’ve got the head-to-toe, inside-and-out CBD self-care inspo you need to get the ball rolling.

Start A CBD Morning Routine

Getting your wellness routine in as soon as you wake up is a great way to cue your day up to be #winning.

Maybe you're not in the mood for a flavor-packed CBD gummy when you first wake up, but there are other options.

One of our favorite ways to start the day with CBD is by adding it to our morning coffee or tea. Go this route and you get all the CBD benefits, plus a tasty drink!

Take a little time for yourself each morning to prepare a warm mug, add some yummy water soluble CBD drops, and then enjoy it slowly — resist the urge to dive directly into emails! Sit down to savor the joy of your beloved bev and take a few deep breaths before you start your day.

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